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  • 首屆「道地綠地野營祭」,出走Be A Green Viber!

    今年道地綠色之旅Green Holidays將於11月舉行一連兩日的「道地綠地野營祭」,為大家帶來精彩的音樂表演外,更可遊走大自然,一同野炊玩樂以及參與多個手藝工作坊!



    日期:20241123日 及 20241124 (星期六及日)

    時間:(上午場) 上午11時至下午3時;(下午場) 下午4時至晚上8

    野營祭場地:Autocamper 紅花嶺 Safari Land @沙頭角

  • Green Music 綠地 Live Music

    本地音樂人雷同二友何佩Mic 周卓盈Mark Chan 陳鴻翔,以及多位本地街頭演唱藝人,送上小清新曲風的音樂表演,放眼綠油油的草地與山野,享受輕鬆慢活的Green Vibe

  • Green Cook 野炊體驗

    由野炊達人 David Lai@得意野炊 主理,與大家即場體驗野外煮食的樂趣,使用野炊用具製作古法煙燻三文魚、慢烤牛油香草雞等,體驗最原始地道的風味!

  • Green Workshop 綠地工作坊



    植物印染工作坊 Siu@巨人染

    電話手腕繩工作坊 Siutal@PeachyForest

    皮革卡套工作坊 – Jamar@小皮気

    扭線款單色霓虹燈工作坊 – @AmazingNeonHK

  • Green Play 綠地玩樂區 & 綠地市集

    為了令大人和小朋友都能盡興而歸,參加者可以免費參加Green Play綠地玩樂區的活動,讓大家可以盡情享受製作小手工、食物和飲品的樂趣!


    藍曬書籤製作 (名額有限,先到先得)

    綠地手搖製作 (每人一杯)

    戶外製作拿坡里Pizza (每人一份)




    齊集多位本地小店檔主, 讓大家了解和認識更多本地品牌,發掘更多不同風格的食品及手作產品,體驗在大自然下購物的樂趣。

  • 野營禮品包



  • 必買獨家別注版T恤

    今年道地與本地服裝品牌ad-lib聯乘,以大自然作為主題推出別注版恤,別具收藏價值!只要購買露營野炊Pass郁手郁腳D.I.Y. Pass,即會附送別注版T恤,同時T恤亦會於場內獨家發售,有興趣的朋友必須入營購買,數量有限,售完即止。

  • 門票類型


    門票類型包括自由好玩Pass郁手郁腳D.I.Y. Pass露營野炊Pass以及兒童樂園Pass



    2024107日 至 20241025日 期間,凡購買任何道地茶品系列飲品#,憑有效單一收據正本,以Whatsapp傳送至9842 3832登記,即可獲得9折優惠碼乙個,以此優惠碼到Klook平台購買「道地綠地野營祭」入場門票,即可享折扣優惠!數量有限,售完即止。




There are more than hundreds of prizewinners since the launch of Green Holidays Promotion, who had travelled with us to various green nature destinations and enjoyed their 'Green Holidays'. Tao Ti Green Holidays strives to provide the prizewinners with extraordinary travel experiences throughout the years.

The destinations of Green Holidays in the past was usually rare locations, such as Sichuan Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve, Negara Rain Forest in Malaysia, Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuaries in Bangkok Thailand, Whale watching in Donsol Philippines and Snow Monkey Resort in Nagano Japan.

Green Holidays 2019 - Explore the nature

Travel coupons were given to the prizewinners, so that they can customize a green trip of their own.

Green Holidays 2018 - Okayama, flavour of fruits

Tao Ti brought the participants to travel in Sanin and Sanyou district along the highways in West Japan. During the trip, participants can pick muscat grapes in fruit farm, had milk ice cream made freshly from the farm and visited Tottori Sand Dunes, experienced the different sides of Japan.

Green Holidays 2017 - Trip of finding Kitagawahanbee

It was the red leaves season, so we brought the participants to view red leaves at Enryaku Temple on Mountain Biei in Kyoto. The highlight of this trip was to visit the origin of green tea in Uji Kyoto. The participants were able to do tea plucking and tea appreciation in tea farm. We also visited spots like Yasaka Shrine, Sagano and Arashiyama.

Green Holidays 2016 - Kagawa, hanging in Shodoshima

The participants were welcomed by the prefecture's official mascot of Kagawa, Sanudon, when they were off the flight. The big group of us took ferry to Shodoshima where we could taste soy sauce flavour ice cream and make sanuki udon noodles. We also visited Konpira Shrine, Oboke Valley and Narudo Bridge etc.

Green Holidays 2015 - Okinawa, explore the ocean

We went snorkling at Onna Village in Okinawa and watched colourful sea creatures in glass bottom boat, the mysterious under water world was spectacular. Apart from this, we also visited aquarium and pineapple farm.

Green Holidays 2014 - Korea Suncheon Green Tea Bath Travel

Tao Ti brought the participants to Suncheon in Korea and visited Suncheonman Bay Wetland Reserve. The participants also visited green tea farm and experienced green tea bath for refreshing air and relaxation.

Green Holidays 2013 - Kyushu, finding Zebras

We visited African Safari in Kyushu Japan and got to view the wild animals such as zebras, lions and tigers closely by taking the park's bus. We were like in Africa, it was so exciting.

Green Holidays 2012 - Nature Tour at Mount Kinabalu

We chose Sabah as our destination for Green Holidays this year. The group of us climbed up to 4,000m above the sea level of Mount Kinabalu and viewing rare plant species in the forest inside Kinabalu National Park. After that, we visited Sepilok Rehabilitation Centre to see the endangered orangutans and Turtle Island Park for Green Turtles and Hawksbill Turtles, it was a memorable experience for everyone.

Green Holidays 2011 - Viewing penguins in Australia

We flew out of East Asia and traveled to Philip Island in Melbourne Australia. Phillip Island offers visitors the chance to see incredible Australian wildlife amongst spectacular landscapes, in which the Penguin Parade is a must-see adventure.